15:35-15:50 Bone marrow 3D modelling Alessandra Balduini (Pavia)
15:50-16:20 Panel discussion
16:20-16:30 Break
Clinical Scenarios in MDS and β-thalassemia: Expert Opinions on Managing Anemia
Chair: Aristoteles Giagounidis (Düsseldorf)
Speakers: María Díez Campelo (Salamanca), Antonis Kattamis (Athens)
This symposium is organized and sponsored by Bristol Myers Squibb.
SESSION VI – Iron metabolism and erythropoiesis
Chair: Clara Camaschella (Milan)
17:30-17:35 Introduction Clara Camaschella (Milan)
17:35-17:50 Erythropoiesis and iron metabolism interaction Laura Silvestri (Milan)
17:50-18:05 Macrophage and iron Martina Muckenthaler (Heidelberg)
18:05-18:20 Atypical microcytic anaemias Graça Porto (Porto)
18:20-18:27 Ker-050, a Novel Inhibitor of Tgfβ Superfamily Signaling,
Induces Red Blood Cell Production By Promoting Multiple
Stages of Erythroid Differentiation Marina Feigenson (Lexington)
18:27-19:00 Panel discussion
19:00-20:00 2 Simultaneous Meet the Expert sessions
1. Regulation of globin gene switches:
embryonic to fetal and fetal to adult. Douglas Higgs (Oxford)/Stuart Orkin (Boston)
2. Mechanisms of inflammation, innate and adaptive
Immune responses in MDS Shahram Kordasti (London)/Jonathan Irish (Nashville)
19:00-20:00 Mentored Poster Walk
Leaders for Biology: Michaela Fontenay (Paris) & Tomas Ganz (Los Angeles)
Leaders for Clinical: Maria Diez-Campelo (Salamanca) & Maria-Domenica Cappellini (Milan)
Sunday, March 7th, 2021
SESSION VII – Inherited dyserythropoiesis
Chair: Achille Iolascon (Naples)
14:00-14:05 Introduction Achille Iolascon (Naples)
14:05-14:20 Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia Roberta Russo (Naples)